🥰Hello Dears
❗️Due to the recent changes in Telegram search and Pavel Durove’s speech (https://t.me/durov/226)
It was discovered that adding premium members is necessary to rank a channel.
After doing more trial and error, we realized that the channel that added the low-quality Premium account had no effect on its rank.
We observed a positive impact on the channel’s rank after adding premium quality accounts.
What is the distinction between high-quality and low-quality accounts?
Low-quality accounts usually have cheap prices and join many channels daily.
High-quality accounts are usually expensive and only join a limited number of channels daily.
✅Now you have the choice to add either quality accounts or low quality accounts to your channel.
Our promise to you is to always deliver the best and cheapest services in the world,
🌐 Direct: @supimo
🌐 Telegram Channel: t.me/Fakeservices_com
✅ Website : GetmeFollowers.org